Short description of Back4Sure

Here you'll find in brief the most important features of Back4Sure. The complete manual is available online here or also as PDF document.

Back4Sure is a freeware program for making backup copies of your documents, pictures, music, videos and anything you find valuable. The files to copy may be distributed all over your computer, even on different drives. Back4Sure will gather all the files you've selected for backup and make a copy of them into a specified target directory. The folder with the drive letter of the source drive and the directory structure will be automatically created in the target directory, so all your files will be stored correctly and easy to find. In this process, Back4Sure will only copy files that have changed since the last backup, so even a large number of files is backed up as fast as possible.

You can use a USB flash drive, a second hard drive or a network share as backup target. With the built-in compression of Back4Sure you can save space and especially on flash disks lots of time when you make a backup of thousands of files.

Back4Sure does not use a proprietary file format to store your data. All files are simply copied or alternatively stored in standardized Zip or 7Zip containers. This way you don't need Back4Sure to get your files back, your file manager will do the job!

Additionally, Back4Sure has an option to cleanup the target directory. With this option you can remove orphaned files, that only exist in the target directory but do not have corresponding source files anymore.

While offering lots of options for the backup process, Back4Sure is still handy and flexible: It occupies just around 12 MB of storage space and can easily be run from a flash disk without installation. It does not leave any traces on the host system and does not install any kind of extensions or services.

The program was tested under the MS Windows versions XP, 7 (32/64 bit), 8 (32/64 bit), 10 (32/64 bit) and 11.

Some features of Back4Sure