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Back4Sure 3.7
Copyright © Ulrich Krebs 2009 - 2015
1. Quickstart guide
1.1 About Back4Sure
1.2 Installing the program
1.3 Creating a backup job
1.4 Executing the backup job
1.5 Cleanup the backup target
2. Program options
2.1 Job files
2.2 Backup source selection
2.3 Recent job list
2.4 Automatic check for program updates
2.5 Language
2.6 Default settings for backup jobs
2.7 Location of the program settings
3. Settings for a backup job
3.1 Selecting the backup source folders
3.2 Specifying the target directory
3.3 Filter settings for including and excluding files
3.4 Compression settings
3.5 Cleanup settings
3.6 Backup and cleanup confirmation
3.7 Actions before and after the backup process
3.7.1 Action "Execute Command"
3.7.2 Action "Play Sound"
3.7.3 Action "Send Mail"
3.7.4 Conditional execution of actions after a backup run
3.8 Creating log files
3.9 Usage of key words
4. Executing the backup job
4.1 Backup
4.2 Backup & Cleanup
4.3 Running backups from the command line
4.4 Automated backups using the task scheduler of Windows
4.4.1 Scheduling a backup task under Windows XP
4.4.2 Scheduling a backup task under Windows 7
4.4.3 Scheduling a backup task under Windows 8
5. View and interpret log files
5.1 Log file view
5.2 Log file interpretation
6. License agreement and registration option
6.1 License agreement
6.2 Registration option
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